Expressive Yoga
The practice embraces creative movement and seamless transitions, using a serpentine movement, called serpentine asana flow (which is often referred to as a slow dance) and offers a wide range of rhythmic movement. The movements explored are deeply rooted in nature and represent the elements in their state of being and moving. The body becomes fluid like water, refreshed with healing winds, illuminted by the pulse of fire and serenely grounded by Mother Earth.
The basis of Expressive Yoga is that moving slow is powerful. In that powerful state we find
awareness in slowness on our mat and in our daily life.
The Expressive Yoga practice touches on sequences that welcome all levels. Beginners are encouraged to feel their innate strength and connection to breath while also lending advanced practitioners a deeper connection to their body knowledge.
As with all yoga classes, modifications are always available.
Expressive Yoga Dance
This Las Vegas born practice was created by Jada Fire as a union of Expressive Yoga and Sacred Dance Fusion. When the two practices are weaved together as one, an inspiring journey unfolds!
The Expressive Yoga Dance form begins by exploring Sacred Dance Fusion movements that are designed to clear the body of static energy through the use of serpentine, tribal, Middle Eastern, exotic belly dance and West African dance styles. Fused into one energetic dance, this class can be described as exotic, dynamic, sultry, expressive, celebratory, transformational and a divine sweat! This practice is for all ability levels. No dance experience required.
The class simmers down from the sacred dance into an expressive yoga flow.
The serpentine asana flow brings a slow dance quality of creative movement to the body with
the use of deep sounded breathing. The liquid-like serpentine asanas inspire detoxification, agility, centering and a richer body knowledge. A serene meditation closes the practice as the instructor,
if you are comfortable with, provides light body adjustments and guides you into a state of
ease and inner bliss.
This sytem of yoga is designed to heal and inspire!
Rhythm & Pose™ Yoga
It's time to get funky! Shimmer through your yoga practice with fun music, posture flow, and dance. Explore your body-mind and spirit through movement, breath and sound.
Take your practice to a new level.
All ability levels encouraged to attend.
Absolutely no experience required.
Are you ready to feel more alive?
Each weekly class will vary between yoga postures, Sacred Dance Fusion, Expressive Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Toning & Sculpting Yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques) and Shavasana (relaxation).
It will all have a fun zip to it!
Expressive Yoga Dance Testimonials:
"I feel light and bubbly--effervescent in a sacred way. It was uplifting, sociable, and happy for
the spine ....a refreshing change....playful."
Kathryn, Windham, ME
"Amanda does a great job getting her “groove on.” What a terrific way to feel in your body and experience such body movement through dance and yoga."
Bernice, Gorham, ME
"The title sounds intimidating, but your lighthearted approach made it a lot easier to try
something new and different, and it was fun to add more movement in with the familiar yoga
postures. It was a great way to add a little cardio to my yoga practice. Thanks for creating a safe,
fun space where I could try something new."
Jennifer, Gorham, ME
I really enjoyed the class & would love to attend another. The upbeat movements in the beginning
left me feeling loose and relaxed for the slower asanas. A fun & fresh class!
Phaedra, Gorham, ME
One of the best times I have had taking a yoga class. I highly recommend Rhythm & Pose™ Yoga to anyone who wants to energize their bodies and lift their spirits.
Tracy, Gorham, ME
Are you ready to set an intention to find fluidity and freedom in body, mind and spirit?