You can buy access to 6 different video series, plus Pregnancy Yoga, to expand your yoga practice to your home, office or anywhere!
The access lasts for eight weeks and each series costs $50.
Contact Amanda for upcoming sessions.
All videos are available via the Holistic Pathways YouTube channel by subscription only.
Video Series 3
More variation and flow as you progress through each video.
Find the fun and challenge of yoga.
Video Series 5
Continuing/Intermediate flow of postures linking breath with movement. This series offers more challenge and variation.
Practice Guided Meditations via Holistic Pathways YouTube Channel!
The benefits of meditation are vast. In all honesty, when I began my yoga practice I was more excited to
learn about the postures and the benefits. I enjoyed the quieting of a moving meditation practice, but not
sitting in stillness. Now my life wouldn't be complete without it.
After all these years of requests, I'm excited to announce our Holistic Pathways YouTube channel is now
offering meditation.
These are just like the meditations we practice in class. Most of the 5-10 minute meditations are designed
as seated, but you can always practice them lying down. You can practice whenever the time is convenient for
you and as often as you wish. For the whole year!
Experience the many benefits of meditation.
Create an intention for a more mindful, healthy, happy and peaceful 2019.
$25 for an annual subscription
You will have access to all the meditations, with new ones being added throughout the year.
You may purchase online or in-studio.
A link will be sent to your email for easy access.
Please let me know if you have any questions.